PCAP Triage Guide
David Hoenisch
Introduction This guide outlines a systematic approach to analyzing packet
Initial Triage Questions
- [ ] What is the time range of the capture?
- [ ] What prompted this PCAP analysis (alert, incident, routine monitoring)?
- [ ] Do we have any initial indicators or IOCs to search for?
- [ ] What is the scope of systems/networks captured?
- [ ] Are there any known compromised hosts or suspicious IPs?
Phase 1: Quick Statistics
- [ ] Total packet count and capture duration
- [ ] Top talkers (source/destination IPs)
- [ ] Protocol distribution
- [ ] Port distribution
- [ ] Geographic distribution of external IPs
- [ ] Unusual or unexpected protocols
- [ ] Traffic spikes or anomalies
Phase 2: Connection Analysis
- [ ] Map internal to external communications
- [ ] Identify long-duration connections
- [ ] Look for:
- [ ] Beaconing patterns
- [ ] Irregular timing patterns
- [ ] Abnormal data transfer volumes
- [ ] Suspicious port usage
- [ ] Connection attempts to multiple hosts
- [ ] Failed connection attempts
Phase 3: Protocol Deep Dive
DNS Analysis
- [ ] Check for:
- [ ] Domain generation algorithms (DGA): look for domain names with high entropy
- [ ] DNS tunneling indicators
- [ ] Suspicious TLDs
- [ ] High-volume requestors
- [ ] DNS queries with no responses
- [ ] Unusual record types
- [ ] Domain reputation checks
- [ ] Examine:
- [ ] User-Agent strings
- [ ] Request/response patterns
- [ ] File downloads
- [ ] POST request content
- [ ] Certificate information
- [ ] Unusual headers
- [ ] Command and control patterns
SMB/CIFS Analysis
- [ ] Look for:
- [ ] Unauthorized file access
- [ ] Suspicious file transfers
- [ ] Brute force attempts
- [ ] Known exploits
- [ ] Administrative share access
Phase 4: Payload Analysis
- [ ] Extract files from streams
- [ ] Look for:
- [ ] Known malware signatures
- [ ] Command strings
- [ ] Encoded/encrypted data
- [ ] Script content
- [ ] Password or credential exposure
- [ ] Data exfiltration patterns
Phase 5: Malware Behavior Indicators
- [ ] Command and control:
- [ ] Regular beaconing
- [ ] Encoded commands
- [ ] Known C2 protocols
- [ ] Lateral movement:
- [ ] Port scanning
- [ ] Exploitation attempts
- [ ] Credential abuse
- [ ] Data exfiltration:
- [ ] Large outbound transfers
- [ ] Unusual protocols
- [ ] Encrypted tunnels
Common Tools and Commands
Wireshark Filters
# Basic filters
ip.addr == x.x.x.x
dns.qry.name contains "domain"
http.request.method == "POST"
tcp.flags.syn == 1 && tcp.flags.ack == 0
# Security-focused filters
http.user_agent contains "suspicious-string"
tls.handshake.type == 1
smb.cmd == 0x72
TShark Commands
# Top talkers
tshark -r capture.pcap -q -z endpoints,ip
# Protocol hierarchy
tshark -r capture.pcap -q -z io,phs
# Extract HTTP objects
tshark -r capture.pcap --export-objects http,./output/
Zui Filters
# Get available _paths
cut _path | sort | uniq | fuse
# Get all dns queries
_path == "dns" | cut query
# Count times a domain was queried
_path == "dns" | count() by domain:=join(split(query, ".")[-2:],".") | sort -r
# Search for files that were transfered over the network
filename!=nul | cut _path, id.orig_h, id.resp_h, mime_type, filename, md5, sha1
# Get all even on a TCP connection
uid == "<id>" | fuse
# Filters and displays smb_files, smb_mapping and DCE_RPC activity
grep(smb*,_path) OR _path=="dce_rpc"
# Displays a list of the count of unique HTTP requests including source and destination
_path=="http" | cut id.orig_h, id.resp_h, id.resp_p, method, host, uri | uniq -c
# Displays a table showing all unique source:port:destination connections pairings
_path=="conn" | cut id.orig_h, id.resp_p, id.resp_h | sort | uniq
# Shows the connections between hosts, sorted by data received
_path=="conn" | put total_bytes := orig_bytes + resp_bytes | sort -r total_bytes | cut uid, id, orig_bytes, resp_bytes, total_bytes
# Displays a curated view of file data including md5 and sha1 for complete file transfers
filename!=null | cut _path, tx_hosts, rx_hosts, conn_uids, mime_type, filename, md5, sha1
# Displays all HTTP Post requests including the URI and HTTP status code
method=="POST" | cut ts, uid, id, method, uri, status_code
# Enumerates the classful networks for all destination IP addresses including count of connections
_path=="conn" | put classnet := network_of(id.resp_h) | cut classnet | count() by classnet | sort -r
# Shows all Suricata alert counts, grouped by category and severity
event_type=="alert" | count() by alert.severity,alert.category | sort count
# Shows all Suricata alert counts, grouped by signature
event_type=="alert" | count() by alert.signature | sort count
# Shows a list of Suricata alert categories, grouped by unique source and destination IP addresses
event_type=="alert" | alerts := union(alert.category) by src_ip, dest_ip
# Shows a list of Suricata alert signatures, grouped by unique source and destination IP addresses
event_type=="alert" | alerts := union(alert.signature) by src_ip, dest_ip
# Shows a list of Suricata alert categories, grouped by CIDR network
event_type=="alert" | alerts := union(alert.category) by network_of(dest_ip)
# Shows a list of Suricata alert signatures, grouped by CIDR network
event_type=="alert" | alerts := union(alert.signature) by network_of(dest_ip)
# view help menu and all available
# commands
chx --help
Domain Lookup
chx domain alientvault example.com
File Hashing
chx hash vthash <hash>
IP Lookup
chx ip crowdsec
Pretty Print Results
--format option that will format the results of a search into markdown format.
Input & Output Chx strive to be POSIX "compliant" in that is works with
# Example chained workflow
cat dns_queries.json | jq -r `.[].sha1` | parallel chx hash vthash | jq -r ".data.attributes.last_analysis_results.ALYac.result"
Analysis Documentation
- [ ] Timeline of significant events
- [ ] List of suspicious indicators
- [ ] Evidence of compromise
- [ ] Affected systems and scope
- [ ] Recommendations for response
- [ ] Supporting packet/stream excerpts
Red Flags Checklist
- [ ] Unexpected external connections
- [ ] Unusual protocol behavior
- [ ] Known malicious indicators
- [ ] Data packaging/encoding
- [ ] Irregular timing patterns
- [ ] Suspicious file transfers
- [ ] Command execution attempts
- [ ] Credential exposure
- [ ] Known exploit patterns
- [ ] Evasion techniques
Questions to Answer During Analysis
- What is the initial infection vector?
- Which systems were compromised?
- What actions did the attacker take?
- Was data exfiltrated?
- Are there persistent access mechanisms?
- What is the full scope of the incident?
- Are there additional compromised systems?
- What remediation steps are needed?
Final Report Components
- Executive Summary
- Technical Timeline
- Indicators of Compromise
- Affected Systems
- Attack Methodology
- Data Impact Assessment
- Evidence Preservation Notes
- Remediation Recommendations
- Prevention Suggestions